Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Linche: 1548-1601, Sonnet XXXVIII

HEARKEN awhile, DIELLA! to a story
      that tells of Beauty, Love, and great Disdain!
The last, caused by suspect; but She was sorry
      that took that cause, true love so much to pain.
For when She knew his faith to be unfeigned,
      spotless, sincere, most true and pure unto her;
She joyed as if a kingdom She had gained;
      and loved him now, as when he first did woo her.
I ne’er incurred suspicion of my truth;
      fairest DIELLA! why wilt thou be cruel?
Impose some end to undeservèd ruth!
      and learn by others, how to quench hate’s fuel!
Read all, my Dear! but chiefly mark the end!
And be to me, as She to Him, a friend!


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